The art of living in Provence


#Culture #Patrimoine #Provence

Provence is rich in legends.

This story takes place in the very distant time when the angels came to spend their holidays in Provence.

They arrived on a beautiful summer morning, under a bright sun . What was their surprise at not seeing another soul . They are exasperated to see many fallow fields where should extend prosperous vegetable gardens and orchards.

They went away disappointed to see the village priest hoping some explanation. They thought to find him full prayer. But he was lying under the quilt making a peaceful nap. Awake, the priest explained that the locals stood quietly in the shade of olive trees in order to preserve the scorching sun and took the opportunity to take a long nap.

One of the angels said: " But when they work then?"
-when it is fresh ! replied the priest. This explains the poor condition of their land.

The angels returned to tell their adventure to God who had the idea to create soon a new species of insect.

When the season was hotter, these insects would start in the pines and would perform strident notes of heightened music to prevent the locals from sleeping excessively.

Thus were born the cicadas, now in perfect symbiosis with the " art de vivre" in Provence.

Here is another story that has transcended time and my grandmother told us.

A fairy with blonde hair and blue eyes, named Lavandula lived among wild lavender mountain of Lure.
The years passed and she was inspired one day to settle permanently in a place where she would live happy.
Not knowing which place to choose , she decided to look up his book landscapes in order to give ideas region .
His gaze stopped abruptly on the page representing the uncultivated lands of Provence . Overwhelmed by the sadness of the panorama, wild and barren , the fairy began to cry. Falling on the book, its lavender tears endeavored page blue.
In attempting to repair her clumsiness, Lavandula wiped the pages, but spread her blue tears in tiny little droplets azure color across the landscape of Provence.
Desperate, the fairy made ​​a large pan blue sky above the stained floor to conceal his mistake.
Since that day lavender grows happily in the land of Provence.

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