The art of living in Provence

NIMES, roman town

#Architecture #Culture #Economie #Gastronomie #Histoire #Patrimoine #Tourisme, #Occitanie #Gard

From the terraces to the interior galleries, discover the best-preserved amphitheatre in the world, the history of gladiators and ancient Roman games.

The visioguide helps you explore the Arena with audio commentary, videos, and 3D reconstructions of the monument in the 2nd and 17th centuries.

The gladiator's quarter shows the weapons and techniques of gladiatorial combat.

The colours of the Corrida space introduces you to the colours of the world of bullfighting through the magnificent costumes of toreros.

The Maison Carrée is the only fully-preserved temple from Antiquity.

The Tour Magne, at the heart of the gerdens of the Fountain, provides an outstanding view over the city.  A touch table shows the development of the city and its monuments from the 1st century to nowadays.

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