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The art of living in Provence

Poets and writers who lived in Provence and Luberon

#Culture #Provence

Famous poets and writers have lived in Provence and Luberon. They were inspired by the beauty of the place, the burgeoning culture of Provence, by the story of a region renowned for its relaxed lifestyle. We have chosen four writers and poets among the most famous. Each depicted the Provence of his time.

Petrarch, the great scholar of the XIVth century, lived in Avignon and found refuge at the Fontaine de Vaucluse. 

Frédéric Mistral sang the Pays d'Arles with his love of Occitan.

The surrealist poet René Char, in Isle sur la Sorgue, made his city famous and showed the Vaucluse to his Surrealist friends.

Jean Giono was the writer of the Provençal peasant world and his works regularly inspired the movie successfully.

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