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The art of living in Provence

The Carthusian monastery of Villeneuve-lez-Avignon

#Architecture #Histoire #Patrimoine #Tourisme #Occitanie #Avignon

The Carthusian monastery or charter house known as la Chartreuse du Val-de-Bénédiction was founded in 1300's by Pope Innocent VI. It is among the biggest and most remarkable charterhouses in France with its church, three cloisters, forty cells, gardens and chapel painted with frescoes by Matteo Giovanetti, the famous artist who also embellished the Palace of the Popes.

Its mission is now to host playwrights and drama groups in order to allow them to pursue their creative work and research. It is also a venue for innovative performances especially during the Festival d'Avignon.

La Chartreuse

58, rue la République

30400 Villeneuve lez Avignon

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