The art of living in Provence


#Architecture #Château #Histoire #Patrimoine #Tourisme #Provence

Anchored on some huge rocks, the Château de la Barben, a magic castle is mentioned for the 1st time in 1064 in the register of the Abbey St Victor de Marseille. In a splendid green and watery setting, this medieval fortress was the property of the King René who sold it in 1474 to Jean de Forbin. In 1630 the revolt of Cascavéous party destroyed the castle. The Forbin famille has transformed it in a very pleasant family castle. In the hand of this family for more than 500 years, the castle was sold in 1963 to André Pons. His daughter and her husband look after this superb property.

Tours of the castle and activities allow visitors to discover more than 15 richly decorated and furnished rooms with painted ceilings, tapestries, Cordoba leather, wall paintings, some painted by the famous Marius Granet, a medieval kitchen, underground and garden drawn by Nôtre.


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