L'Agence ROSIERshares with the société Petrossian, whose worldwide reputation in thecaviar tradeiswell established, the taste of knowledgeand savoir-faire from generation to generation.
Sincethe 20s,living in Paris, the 2 brothersof Armenian origin, Melkoumand MoucheghPetrossian, offerrf an exceptionalproduct,Sturgeon Caviar. The company iscertified "Living Heritage Company".
During " les années folles, influent Parisiansdiscoveredthesesturgeoncaviar coming straight fromthe Caspian Sea.A Pétrossian ancestoron the maternal side, Lazarus Mailoffhad there fishing concessions.
In Paris, the landof luxury andfine dining,exoticcaviarprovokes a exacerbated passionamong Parisians.
Then thelegend began. The companythen developedsalmon andother smoked fishtreatedwithpreparationsthat delightlovers offine products.TodayPetrossian proposes a collectionofhigh-endgourmet products: variousfisheggs, foie gras, vodkas, truffles, chocolates,tableware....
This uniqueexpertise isin the hands of4 or 5 peoplein the world.It takes yearsof experienceto be ableto recognizethe tastes andbecome a truespecialistin caviarwithin thisfamily business! The eggs selectionrequiresa trainedsense of smell,akeen eyefor color andbrightness,a sharpear and aunique feelto evaluate thetexture and firmnessofcaviargrain.Finally,a connoisseur ofthe palateis essentialto taste, roll in the mouththe caviargrain.Ifalchemy iscomplete, the product can be marketed. Each fishproduces a different, unique caviar.Pétrossian's mission is to select andsublimate the rare and precious product.
The "maison Pétrossian" is present in Paris, Lyon, Belgium, Dubai and USA.