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  4. The MOULIN des BOUILLONS, in Gordes, Luberon
The art of living in Provence

The MOULIN des BOUILLONS, in Gordes, Luberon

#Architecture #Culture #Economie #Histoire #Patrimoine #Tourisme, #Gordes

The Moulin des Bouillons is located in Gordes on the road to St Pantaléon, in a 7,5 acres park which is also where you can find and enjoy the Museum of glass and stained glass .

The Moulin des Bouillons is situated on a Gallo-Roman site that has been inhabited for 2,000 years.

This oil mill is also called 'blood' mill as the operation used human or animal power.
Since the first century, several presses were used. The last, monumental, of 7 tons and 10 meters long, is from the XVIth century. This mill is in perfect working condition, with its tanks dug into the rock, its Roman pipes. It tells the story of olive oil and soap in the Mediterranean basin. Many work tools are kept such as oil lamps, jars ...
The mill consists of a carousel or " détritoire " in which the olives are crushed and then be reduced to a thick paste and a press the main part of which is an oak beam about 10 feet long and weighs 7 tons.
It is classified a historical monument and is found to be the oldest preserved mill with all its elements work .

All year for groups by reservation

Open April 1 to October 30 from 10 am to 12 pm and 14 pm to 18pm. Closed on Tuesdays.

Téléphone : 04 90 72 22 11 - 04 32 50 28 35
Fax : 04 90 72 20 48
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