The art of living in Provence


#Architecture #Culture #Economie #Histoire #Patrimoine #Tourisme, #Occitanie #Gard

Ranked among UNESCO World Heritage, the Pont du Gard is the most prestigious element of the Roman aqueduc built around 50 BC to carry water over 50 kilometers, from Uzès to Nîmes.

On the left bank of the river, the visitors center offersmany interesting activities to discover this outstanding monument:

- Museum on the history of the Pont du Gard and the Roman aqueduc.

- Ludo, a fun filled discovery space for young visitors.

- The Vaisseau du Gardon, a film on the Pont du Gard

- Mémoires de Garrigue, a botanical trail to understand the history of the Mediterranean countryside.

Many events all year long include exhibitions, films, concerts, heritage days, nature outings, etc...

Tel: 0 820 903 330

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