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The art of living in Provence

What sport options do you have in Luberon?

#Tourisme #Sport et loisirs, #Luberon

You may enjoy of the ski resort of the Mont Serein which offers all sort of summer or winter activities.

Several gold courses expect you in the area, like the one of Pont Royal.

If you fancy biking, you may rent electrical bikes with "sun-e-bike", a VTT at VTT en Lubéron or organise a tour with "Luberon en vélos".

Regarding horse riding, several horse centers may offer you the service, for exemple St Clair.

In Rustrel, the Colorado Aventures offers several courses of adventures in the wood adapated to different ages.

You also may take a canoo in Fontaine de Vaucluse and go down the Sorgue river to l'Isle sur la Sorgue.

By a flight in an hot air balloon you may discover the Provence from the Sky.

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